Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Ducklings

Here is some photos of the cute ducklings. I took these photos of the fluffy ducks.

The ducklings are in our backyard on the grass. The ducks come to our backyard and eat the bread. I think the mummy duck is tired because she is looking after the ducklings. What do you know about ducks?



  1. Great photography. So cute to see them at your place. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hi Reuben! Awwwww, the ducklings are so cute. I really love ducks. Do you? Actually, ducks are coming to your house and pukekos are coming to my house to eat food and drink water. Mostly they drink water! How do you make ducks come to your house cause I'd love having ducks in my garden as well.


    Malo e lelei Reuben

    Great photo taking Reuben. When I was your age my photos would come out blurry. I am still not much better at taking photos now that I am a lot older.

    I think the mother duck would be feeling tired looking after all her ducklings. They may be little but they have feet that can make them move fast and the mother duck has to keep busy keeping them altogether so she does not lose any. I know that ducks like searching for worms in the ground. We have two chickens that look like they live down the road from my home. I see them every morning when I go for a walk. On Wednesday they came to visit our place, pecking at the ground for worms. Sadly I did not have my phone with me to take photos for sharing.

    I noticed how you included a question for the reader. I liked how you used descriptive words like "cute" and fluffy" in your writing.

    I look forward to reading your next blog Reuben.

    From Mrs A

  4. These are really cool photos Reuben. I love how you used the descriptive words cute, fluffy, and tired. I don't know a whole lot about ducks except that you can tell the difference between male and female ones based on their colours and the sound of their quacks. Funny ay?!

  5. Good morning Reuben, David and I do love the photos you have take of the mother duck and her ducklings. I recognise your Mother duck as a Mallard . . . I really only know two types of ducks, Mallards and Paradise ducks. Looking after babies is a very busy job, trying to keep them all together as they like to run in different directions to explore. A bit like very small children, I think.
