Monday, September 27, 2021

Signs Of Spring

Enjoy reading this blog post about the signs of spring! :)


Things I can hear:

1. Ducks quacking in our front yard.

2. The Tui in the tree across the road.

3. Birds tweeting in the beautiful blue sky.


Things I can see:

1. The mummy duck with her cute ducklings.

2. The green grass, green trees and green hedges.

3. The best blue sky and the fluffy white clouds.

4. Colourful flowers everywhere.


Things I can smell:

1. Freshly mown grass.

2. Fresh air drying the washing.

3. New orange Mandarins growing on our tree.



  1. Hello Reuben
    Thank you for showing us the many signs of spring you have noticed in your neighbourhood. Great photos to share these sights too. Spring is a fun time of the year.

  2. Loving your signs of Spring and the way you used colour to illustrate your statements. Great photography too. Thank you for sharing.
