Monday, September 6, 2021

Studyladder Certificates

 I have earned studyladder certificates by earning points. You earn points by getting correct answers in studyladder. The topics are Maths, Writing Reading, Games, Rapid recall, Reading Foundations and Virtual Classroom. My Favourite topic is Games.

Here is what certificates I have earned:

Latest Certificate: Bronze Ribbon 🠋

Previous Certificate: Gold Trophy 🠋


Second Certificate: Gold Certificate 🠋 

First Certificate: Silver Certificate 🠋 


I am very proud of my Bronze Ribbon Because I got it for 2,000 points!

I am currently at 2,016 Points. Can you Believe It? If you want to earn studyladder certificates then feel free to start flying away by doing studyladder. Here is the link.



  1. You are a champion Reuben! You are doing so well with your learning achievements. I wonder how long it will take you to get your next certificate of a Silver Ribbon. Do you know how many points you need?

  2. Hey Rueben!

    Congrats on getting to bronze!! That’s so cool how proud you are! And so you should be!!
    I like how detailed and informative your post is. So easy to understand what you are talking about.

    Do all the activities give you the same amount of points? And do they take the same amount of time?

    Good luck getting to silver!

  3. Wow Reuben Congratulations! Look at all your certificates. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.

  4. Wonderful to have earned so many certificates. You have done some amazing work.
    Nana and Grandad

  5. Oh wow, Reuben! What an impressive list of awards you have won for yourself. You are obviously working very hard on your learning. Congratulations from David and me.
